BlogTour | "Don't check out this book!" di Kate Klise | Spotlight

Buon lunedì e buon inizio settimana, lettori! Quest'oggi il blog partecipa al blog tour indetto per l'uscita di Don't check out this book! di Kate Klise e illustrato da M. Sarah Klise.

Don't check out this book!
di Kate Klise
Algonquin Young Readers
€ 16,53 (cartaceo)
Amazon | Goodreads
In uscita domani, 10 marzo 2020
Consider the facts:
- Appleton Elementary School has a new librarian named Rita B. Danjerous. (Say it fast.)
- Principal Noah Memree barely remembers hiring her.
- Ten-year-old Reid Durr is staying up way too late reading a book from Ms. Danjerous's controversial "green dot" collection.
- The new school board president has mandated a student dress code that includes white gloves and bow ties available only at her shop.
Sound strange? Fret not. Appleton's fifth-grade sleuths are following the money, embracing the punny, and determined to the get to the funniest, most rotten core of their town's juiciest scandal. Don't miss this seedy saga from the creators of the award-winning Three-Ring Rascals and 43 Old Cemetery Road series!

Catherine "Kate" Klise is an American author of children's literature. Many of her books are illustrated by her sister, M. Sarah Klise. Their popular Regarding series is presented in a scrapbook style format, with letters, journal entries, and related ephemera telling the story. She is also known for her picture books as well as the bestselling 43 Old Cemetery Road series. Kate Klise's first adult novel, In the Bag, was released in 2012.

M. Sarah Klise has always had a fondness for creating colorful book reports, which began in elementary school with yarn-bound volumes on states and countries. In college, she enjoyed writing heavily illustrated letters home to her mother. Years later, she still does variations of all that when she illustrates books for young readers. She also teaches art classes in Berkley, CA.


Cosa ne pensate di questo romanzo? Personalmente la trama mi ispira abbastanza e l'ho già inserito nei libri da leggere questo mese. 
Fatemi sapere, 

2 commenti

  1. Il mio spotlight è previsto per il 17! xD

    1. Adoro che partecipiamo agli stessi blog tour per i libri in lingua xD
