BlogTour | "The Oddmire. The Unready Queen" di William Ritter

Buongiorno lettori! Oggi il blog partecipa al blog tour di The Unready Queen di William Ritter, secondo volume della saga The Oddmire. Si tratta di un fantasy middle grade che sfortunatamente è disponibile solo in lingua, ma il cui livello di comprensione è piuttosto basso quindi se volete potete provare a buttarvi :) 

The Oddmire. The Unready Queen (The Oddmire, #2)
di William Ritter
Algonquin Young Readers
€ 10,16 (ebook) € 16,04 (cartaceo)
Amazon | Goodreads
In uscita domani, 23 giugno 2020 
Human and goblin brothers Cole and Tinn are finding their way back to normal after their journey to the heart of the Oddmire. Normal, unfortunately, wants nothing to do with them. Fable, the daughter of the Queen of the Deep Dark, has her first true friends in the brothers. The Queen allows Fable to visit Tinn and Cole as long as she promises to stay quiet and out of sight—concealing herself and her magic from the townspeople of Endsborough.
But when the trio discovers that humans are destroying the Wild Wood and the lives of its creatures for their own dark purposes, Fable cannot stay quiet. As the unspoken truce between the people of Endsborough and the inhabitants of the Wild Wood crumbles, violence escalates, threatening war and bringing Fable’s mother closer to the fulfillment of a deadly prophecy that could leave Fable a most Unready Queen.

William Ritter is an Oregon educator and author of the New York Times bestselling Jackaby series. He is the proud father of the two bravest boys in the Wild Wood, and husband to the indomitable Queen of the Deep Dark.


Cosa ne pensate di questo romanzo per ragazzi? Personalmente la ragione che mi ha fatto decidere di buttarmi nella lettura è la cover. Mi piacciono un sacco i colori!
Fatemi sapere la vostra, 

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